
Terry Hall Bodine | The Something We Make from Nothing

The Something We Make from Nothing: poems by Terry Hall Bodine. Number 4 in our A.V. Christie Series.

Release date: February 25, 2024 [100 copies]
19 pages 

Click here for Terry's bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders billed extra. Please note: each copy is handmade. Please expect at least three weeks for delivery.

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Tim Moder | American Parade Routes

American Parade Routes: poems by Tim Moder. Number 21 in our Rane Arroyo Series.

Release date: February 24, 2024 [100 copies]

Click here for Tim's bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders billed extra. Please note: each copy is handmade. Please expect at least three weeks for delivery.


Joshua Davis | Reversal Spells in Blue and Black

Reversal Spells in Blue and Black. Poems by Joshua Davis. Number 13 in our ReBound Series.

Release date: January 19, 2024 [100 copies]
ISBN 978-1-960693-14-3
21 pages 

Click here for Josh's 
bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders billed for actual shipping cost. Please expect at least three weeks for delivery.
Each copy is hand-sewn with care.
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Deborah A. Miranda | Pilgrimage

PilgrimagePoems by Deborah A. Miranda. Number 12 in Volume 5 of our Editor's Series.

Release date: January 6, 2024 [100 copies]
19 pages 

Click here for Deborah's bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders billed extra. Please note: each copy is handmade. Please expect at least three weeks for delivery.

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