
Kevin McLellan: Round Trip

Round Trip. Poems by Kevin McLellan in collaboration with fifteen women poets. Number Six in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series. Original cover art by Gee Wong.

Kevin's collaborators are: Nellie Bellows, Carrie Bennett, Jessica Bozek, Connie Donovan, Andrea Dulberger, Rebecca Griffin, Kate Faragher Houghton, Karen Lepri, Pelle Lowe, Diana McLellan, Caroline Mercurio, Sue Nacey, Heather Overby, Judi Silverman, and Cheryl Clark Vermeulen.

Release date: March 15, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0-9825529-5-7
25 pages

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

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