
Rodney Gomez: A Short Tablature of Loss

A Short Tablature of Loss: poems by Rodney Gomez. Number 5 in the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series, selected by Ron Mohring and Eduardo C Corral.

Cover photograph by Ron Mohring.

Release date: March 21, 2017
 [100 copies]
18 pages

Read more about Rodney and his chapbook here.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra. [Please note: each copy is handmade. Please allow at least three weeks for delivery.]


Sierra Golden: Aristotle's Lantern

Aristotle's Lantern: poems by Sierra Golden. Number 4 in the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series, selected by Ron Mohring and Eduardo C Corral.

Cover by Chelsea Stephen, left pebble studios

Release date: March 21, 2017
 [100 copies]
22 pages

Read more about Sierra and her chapbook here.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra. [Please note: each copy is handmade. Please allow at least three weeks for delivery.]