
Ellen McGrath Smith: Scatter, Feed

Scatter, Feed: poems by Ellen McGrath Smith. Number 2.10 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series. 

Cover art: "Azul" by Tony Fitzpatrick.

Release date: October 10, 2014 [125 copies]
26 pages

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Ellen McGrath Smith teaches at the University of Pittsburgh and in the Carlow University Madwomen in the Attic program. Her work has been recognized with an AROHO Orlando Prize, an Academy of American Poets award, a Rainmaker Award from Zone 3 magazine, and a 2007 Individual Artist grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
Child's Pose


A way of hitting back. One wave
is the dreaded belt, sailing backward,
jerking forward, striking skin.
Large tides in which a small soul
swims. The child posed as a mouse
stunned into temporary death
until the predator forgets.

The child posed as a house of cold,
ungiving rafters. All alone, the child
is architect of hunger; face in shadow,
knees, feet, forehead touch the floor.
A small soul's scattered breath
and heartbeat echo, sounding out
the home inside the house.
A way of getting back--

the heels exposed, the unprotected soles--
bulbs of daffodils in snow.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra.


Sheila Squillante, In This Dream of My Father

In This Dream of My Father: Poems by Sheila Squillante. Number 2.09 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series.

Release date: September 1, 2014
27 pages

Click here for more information on Sheila and a sample poem from her new chapbook.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra.


Michael Hurley, Wooden Boys

Wooden Boys: Poems by Michael Hurley. Number 11 in the Keystone Chapbook Series, selected by Brent Goodman.

Release date: August 25, 2014
35 pages

Click here for more information on Michael and a sample poem from Wooden Boys.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra.


RJ Gibson, You Could Learn a Lot

You Could Learn a Lot: Poems by RJ Gibson. Number 2.08 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series.

Release date: August 15, 2014.
32 pages.

Click here for more information on RJ and his writing.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra.


Jeff Oaks: Mistakes with Strangers

Mistakes with Strangers: Poems by Jeff Oaks. Number 2.07 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series.

Release date: July 15, 2014.
30 pages.

Click here for more information on Jeff Oaks and his writing.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra.

A.V. Christie: The Wonders

The Wonders:  a poem by A.V. Christie. Number 2.06 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series.

Release date: July 1, 2014.
22 pages. 
ISBN 978-1-949333-05-3.

Click here for more information on A.V. Christie and her poems.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders billed for actual shipping cost. Please allow several weeks for delivery, as each item is handmade.


Rhett Watts: No Innocent Eye

No Innocent Eye. Poems by Rhett Watts. Number Two in the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series, selected by Ron Mohring and Eduardo C. Corral.

Release date: March 20, 2014
22 pages

Click here for more information on Rhett and her poems.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes domestic shipping. Intl orders billed extra.


Steven Alvarez: Six Poems from the Codex Mojaodicus

Six Poems from the Codex Mojaodicus by Steven Alvarez. Number One in the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series, selected by Ron Mohring and Eduardo C. Corral.

Release date: January 31, 2014
34 pages

Price includes U.S. shipping. International orders will be billed for actual shipping. Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Click here for more information on Steven and his poems.