
Ron Mohring: Survivable World

I am very happy to sign copies of my book, Survivable World, to help raise funds for the operation of Seven Kitchens Press. Available for $12 postpaid.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.


Crystal Boson: The Queer Texas Prayerbook

The Queer Texas Prayerbook: poems by Crystal Boson. Number Three in Volume Three of our limited-edition Summer Kitchen Series, this title is expected to sell out quickly: only 23 copies are available from the press.

Release date: September 21, 2012 [49 copies]
21 pages

Click here for more information on Crystal and her work.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Jill McDonough: Oh, James!

Oh, James! Poems by Jill McDonough. Number Four in the third annual volume of our limited-edition Summer Kitchen Series, this title is expected to sell out quickly: only 23 copies are available from the press.

Release date: August 10, 2012 [49 copies]
38 pages

Click here for more information on Jill and her work.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


David J. Daniels: Breakfast in the Suburbs

Breakfast in the Suburbs: poems by David J. Daniels. Number Three in the second volume of our Editor's Series.
Release date: August 1, 2012 [125 copies]
27 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9839292-5-3

Cover art and design by Kim Manajek and Ben Griswold: www.spatialpoetics.com

Please click here for more information on David and his work.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Casey Charles: Blood Work

Blood Workpoems by Casey Charles. Number Three in the third annual volume of our limited-edition Summer Kitchen Series, this title is expected to sell out quickly: only 23 copies are available from the press.

Release date: July 25, 2012 [49 copies]
38 pages

Click here for more information on Casey and his work.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Liz Ahl: Talking About the Weather

Talking About the Weatherpoems by Liz Ahl. Number Two in Volume Three of our limited-edition Summer Kitchen Series, this title is expected to sell out quickly: only 23 copies are available from the press.

Release date: July 15, 2012 [49 copies]
30 pages

S O L D   O U T

Click here for more information on Liz and her work.


Ellen Goldberg: Each Perfect One

Each Perfect One: poems by Ellen Goldberg. Number 7 in the Robin Becker Chapbook Series and co-winner of the 2011 Robin Becker Chapbook Prize, selected by Judith Barrington.

Cover art: Joan Stuart Ross, Hyphens. Encaustic collage on wood, 8″ x 10″.  http://www.joanstuartross.com/.

Release date: May 21, 2012 (125 copies).
Second printing: August 1, 2013 (100 copies).
24 pages.
ISBN: 978-0-9839292-6-0

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Christina Pacosz: How to Measure the Darkness

How to Measure the Darkness: poems by Christina Pacosz. Number One in Volume Three our limited-edition Summer Kitchen Series. Only 23 copies available for sale from the press; 25 go directly to the author and one goes to your intrepid editor.

$9 plus $1.50 shipping.
Release date: July 10, 2012.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Roxanne Halpine Ward: This Electric Glow

This Electric Glow: poems by Roxanne Halpine Ward. Volume 2:2 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series and co-winner of the 2011 Editor's Prize.

22 pages.
ISBN: 978-0-9839292-4-6.
Release date: April 21, 2012.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.


Jeffrey Ethan Lee: towards euphoria

towards euphoria: poems by Jeffrey Ethan Lee. Volume 2:1 in the Seven Kitchens Press Editor's Series and co-winner of the 2011 Editor's Prize.

33 pages.
ISBN: 978-0-9839292-3-9.
Release date: January 23, 2012.

Purchase your copy through Paypal below or e-mail a query to sevenkitchenspress at gmail dot com.

Price includes US shipping. International orders billed extra.