
Phoebe Reeves | The Gardener and the Garden

The Gardener and the Garden: poems by Phoebe Reeves. Number 4 in Volume 4 of our Editor's Series.

Release date: November 17, 2019 [100 copies]
ISBN 978-1-949333-61-9
25 pages 

Click here for Phoebe's bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra. [Please note: each copy is handmade. Please allow at least three weeks for delivery.]


Oliver Baez Bendorf | The Gospel According to X


The Gospel According to X: poems by Oliver Baez Bendorf. Number 12 in our Rane Arroyo Chapbook Series.

Release date: November 2, 2019 [100 copies]
ISBN 978-1-949333-57-2
25 pages 

 Click here for Oliver's bio and a sample poem.

Price includes U.S. shipping. Intl orders billed extra. [Please note: each copy is handmade. Please allow at least three weeks for delivery.]